ESGE Days 2021 News – Innovation of the year award and our top 4 scientific abstracts
Early Bird registrations for ESGE Days 2021 are open and we are happy to announce they are flying out the door! Join us on March 25-27 for our 100% virtual annual congress – the essential place for all members of the endoscopy team to update their skills and make the most of our packed and innovative programme. With 7 live streams across 3 days, ESGE Days 2021 is the unmissable event dedicated to endoscopy.
ESGE Innovation of the Year Award
There are just 10 days until the deadline for applications for the ESGE Innovation of the Year Award and winners will be announced at ESGE Days 2021. This award is intended to encourage and recognize excellence in a new endoscopic technique or a device that enhances endoscopy-based care. So, if you are a physician or a company with an inspiring innovation, we welcome your application in one of our two categories:
- Best procedural innovation in 2020
- Best new device in 2020
Submit your application before Saturday, February 15, 2021.
ESGE Days 2021 – top 4 scientific abstracts
ESGE has been extremely impressed by the high standard of abstracts submitted to ESGE Days 2021. We are thrilled to award 60 grants to researchers who have submitted an abstract, as well as announce the details of our top 4 abstracts. Our grant recipients have been specially selected by our Scientific Committee and will receive free registration to ESGE Days 2021, as well as the opportunity to present their abstract. They will also, along with all accepted abstracts, have their abstract published in Endoscopy, the journal with the highest Impact Factor in the field of digestive endoscopy in the world. Our top 4 abstracts will be featured in our Plenary session, opening our congress, hosted by ESGE President Mário Dinis-Ribeiro and ESGE Secretary General Ian M. Gralnek. We particularly look forward to our abstract presenters’ invaluable contribution to ESGE Days 2021. Congratulations!
>> Discover the people behind the ESGE Days 2021 top 4 scientific abstracts here.
European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
ESGE Days Secretariat | c/o Hamilton Services GmbH | Landwehr Str. 9 | 80336 Munich | Germany
Tel. +49-89-90779360 | Fax +49-89-9077936-20 | secretariat@esgedays.org | www.esge.com
Société Européenne d’Endoscopie Gastro-intestinale
Hôpital Edouard Herriot | 5 place d’Arsonval I 69003 Lyon | France | VAT No. FR74792572018
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